How and Why You Should Encourage All of Your Team to be Active on Social Media
Social media has now existed for close to two decades in its current form and continues to become increasingly popular year after year. Across the globe, the number of social media users is predicted to rise to almost 4.4 billion by 2025, with much of this growth being driven by the increase in mobile internet usage worldwide (Statista).
Clearly, the use of social media networks and apps such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat, is not set to disappear anytime soon.
In fact, the opposite is true as these become ever more popular and important in people’s lives. This isn’t just true among teenagers and young adults, as many older adults frequently use social media networks such as Facebook.
In terms of entertainment, news, networking, the workplace, finding employment and many other aspects of our daily lives, all indicators suggest that social media will continue to increase in importance, based on its current massive popularity.
The internet and social media are now one of the primary forms of entertainment for millions of people, especially Millennials and Generation Z. This means social networks are now one of the most important ways that brands can successfully market themselves, as this is where attention now lies.
What social media means for your brand
Brands that are not actively engaged in social media daily are missing out on a massively important and hugely cost-effective marketing strategy. On top of this, your brand is also well behind many of your competitors who have been utilising the vast marketing potential of social media for potentially well over a decade.
The different channels have been used highly successfully by companies to advertise their products, answer a huge variety of different queries, attract new clients to purchase their products or services, and create long term business to client relationships, thus all leading to increased profits.
Many brands are under the mistaken impression that it is enough just to concentrate their social media efforts on their Facebook page and that this means they have social media covered. This is simply not the case though, as there is far more to social than Facebook.
Many marketing teams make the mistake of sharing the same posts from their Facebook page to Twitter and other channels. This displays a form of laziness, suggesting that the brand doesn’t necessarily care about its audience, thus decreasing the value and trust of the brand to potential clients. If they are lazy with social media, then what else are they potentially lazy with?
It is undeniable that Facebook is by far the biggest social network in terms of the overall number of monthly active accounts (2.79 Billion), but other social channels are also huge in terms of the number of people across the world using them, such as:
- YouTube (2.291 Billion)
- Instagram (1.225 Billion)
- TikTok (732 Million)
- Snapchat (528 Million)
- LinkedIn (645 Million)
- Pinterest (459 Million)
- Twitter (396 Million)
(Statistics from Statista, June 2021)
Clearly, it would be a huge marketing mistake to neglect all of these because your brand is missing out on an audience of potentially hundreds of millions if not billions of worldwide users.
Creating great content and being active on all the major channels is only the beginning though. To be able to share all the great content that your brand produces such as engaging blog posts, photos and videos to as wide an audience as possible, you need to grow an active and loyal follower base.
One of the easiest and most effective ways for your content to reach a larger audience is to encourage all of your team to be active on social media.
Your team can be your biggest advocates
Your team working within your company (not just the owner and marketing team) can be your greatest advocates and advertisers. The chances are statistically high that almost all of them are active users of at least one social network (probably Facebook) and quite possibly several others (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc.).
Due to this, depending on how active they are on these social platforms, every member of your company has a potential audience of hundreds or even thousands of people. What’s more amazing is that each of your employee’s connections on Facebook and other social networks also has their own hundreds or thousands of connections, and so on.
As you can tell, this is how an effective post on social media can create a ripple effect and have the potential to go ‘viral’ i.e. become famous across the world.
Produce quality share-worthy content
To significantly increase the reach of your brand’s posts on its social media channels, it is important to encourage your team to share this content with their online connections. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by investing in the production of quality content such as professionally produced photos, videos and blog posts.
This is because your staff will be far more open to the idea of sharing things with their friends, family and wider connections that they perceive will be of value or interest to those connections.
On the other hand, if it is a poor quality photo, hastily taken on mobile and uploaded to your brand’s Facebook page accompanied with a boring caption, it is unlikely that many, if any people will feel inclined to share it, including your brand’s team.
Instead, people like to share things they feel will impress, interest, amuse or be useful, which sparks an emotional reaction, just like it has done for them.
Involve your staff in this content
If your content involves your team directly, in photos or videos, or indirectly through an idea that they had, then they will be much more likely to share these social media posts. This is again connected to the idea that people love to share things that they feel may impress or interest their family.
It could be a short video of one of your team giving their thoughts on something related to your brand, some photos of your team helping out clients, or some happy snaps of someone at your company celebrating their birthday with colleagues.
This kind of content is also great as it helps to humanize the brand and make it look less corporate, money-focused and boring. The potential for creative ideas for social media posts involving your team is almost endless, and they will be even more pleased if you allow them to come up with their own concepts.
By involving all of your team more, it will also give them a greater sense of being a valued part of the success of the brand.
Train your staff to effectively use social media
One of the potential issues to face if you want to get more of your team involved in creating, posting and sharing content for your company, is that many staff don’t know how to use it effectively. They may have profiles on some of the social media channels, but not understand the true power of this new medium for helping to promote your brand to a wider audience.
For many people social media is seen as something fun, but with little serious use. Of course, if you look at statistics and case studies, social media marketing has a massive potential to increase your brand’s profits and success.
For your team outside of just the marketing department to be able to help in this success, they need to understand the potential of social media, how to use it effectively and be given creative freedom to express themselves.
On the other hand, they also need to be informed about the potential pitfalls of posting the wrong things, such as how inappropriate content can make them and your brand look bad.
Employees should be taught not to post insensitive content that could offend others linked to inflammatory topics, but they shouldn’t be put off from posting things, by worrying about the odd mistake such as if the photo or video wasn’t completely perfect. It is often the imperfections in posts that help others relate to them.
Let your team know about the results
Your staff may question the importance and effectiveness of social media, because to many people, it is seen as simply a fun way to waste a bit of time. The possibility to reach a truly global audience is undeniable though, with over 3.6 billion worldwide active social media users.
With the right marketing, content and message, potentially any one of these could be your next customer and future fan after seeing your brand’s social media posts.
During 2021 and beyond, the content you produce and the social media channels you have now and in the future, should increasingly become your advertising channels, rather than TV and print.
The old-fashioned marketing style such as advertising on TV, billboards, magazines, newspapers, and radio is gradually fading in importance. Digital marketing itself is also constantly evolving with new forms of use such as private groups within Facebook and LinkedIn, or messaging channels like WhatsApp being increasingly utilised by brands, in addition to social media channels.
Keep your staff within your organisation regularly updated either on a weekly or monthly basis on social media stats showing increases in audience numbers, the reach of the content they are helping to produce, the engagement on this content, and how it is leading to increasing website traffic and sales. Rather than a bit of meaningless fun, this will show your staff that social media makes real business sense.
Both in people’s daily lives and the success of businesses around the world, social media is clearly hugely important in today’s world. There are many examples of forward-thinking company founders and owners who see the importance of involving all of their team in their businesses’ social media strategy.
When I asked Bruce Poon Tip, the founder of G Adventures, “how important do you feel social media is for G Adventures and do you encourage all staff to get involved”, he replied:
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